Pipeline Clusters

Our clusters are based across Europe in Copenhagen, Dublin, Madrid, Oslo, and Strasbourg.

Map of Europe indicating locations of Pipeline Clusters (Dublin, Copenhagen, Oslo, Strasbourg, Madrid)
Picture of a petri dish with different cultures marked with a permanent marker.

Tricky targets

-Role of target cultures and molecules for antimicrobial R&D

Robert Thom's "The Era of Antibiotics" - a ca. 1952 oil painting depicting antibiotic discovery in a small laboratory with a female researcher looking at petri dishes - a picture of Alexander Fleming looking at her. Through a glass window one can see a white clothed male worker checking on rows of large deep fermentation tanks producing antibiotics.

Cultures & Codes

- Deconstructing the Pipeline as a historical phenomenon

Black and white photograph of female researcher engaged in antimicrobial screening while working at a flow hood.

Women, Gender and Microbiology

- Gendered norms within the industrial, clinical and academic research

A picture of a syringe injecting substance into prism with rainbow coloured substances coming out of the other end. A molecule in the form of a key appears in the sky.

Searching for new antibiotics at Bayer

-Looking into R&D of antibiotics in big pharmaceutical and life science company

British Medical Journal Cover featuring a picture of a pipeline with pills at the outlet and asking "how to restart the antibiotic pipeline?".

Dry Pipeline and Global Policy

- Analyzing the historical evolution of policies and regulations within the pipeline